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FFC NL 2025

Platform as a Product: are we nearly there yet?

Platform as a Product might sound like a new buzzword but we’ve actually been talking about this concept for at least 8 years (and it sometimes feels like longer)! 

In this talk, Paula will define what Platform as a Product is, how it has grown in popularity and how it is evolving with the increased industry focus on Platform Engineering. She’ll give real world examples of how organisations are applying a product mindset to their platform, covering the benefits that this can drive as well as the mistakes that can happen.
Paula will also provide recommendations for organisations looking to implement platform as a product and share resources for where attendees can learn more.


Paula Kennedy

COO, Syntasso

Paula is Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer of Syntasso; previous roles include Senior Director at VMware Tanzu, Pivotal and Co-Founder & Chief Operating Officer of CloudCredo.

With 20+ years experience in IT, Paula champions community, diversity and inclusion and has a range of speaking experience including KubeCon, DevOpsDays, DevOps Enterprise Summit, and the LeadDev conference.
Paula is an organiser for KCD UK and DevOps Days London, and also organises the London Platform User Group.

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