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FFC NL 2025

DevX - Beyond Platform Engineering

Developer Experience is on everybody’s mind nowadays and massive investments are made in the name of it. In this talk we are going through the theory, broaden the popular definition and sharing our perspectives on the subject.

We will tell the story of how the concept of DevX was born, explain the underlying theory of Cognitive Load and Team Topologies, and based on our own experiences from different companies in real life - how adaptation of these can either lead to more productive IT organization or just yet another new thing.


Henrik Høegh

Senior manager of platform engineering

After more then 14 years of doing consultancy work, Henrik moved on to work first as a platform engineer at Lunar and now a product owner at VELUX. He was among the first in Denmark to use and teach Cloud Native technologies in Denmark and among the first to get a Certified Kubernetes Administrator certification. Henrik is also the first and only Dane to do a keynote at KubeCon about the complexity of cluster failovers when doing GitOps.

Today Henrik works as a product owner at VELUX where he sets the architecture and direction of the internal Cloud Native platform.

Ophelia Zhang Dalsgaard

Modernization and Engineering Lead at Danske Bank & Hobby Database Administrator

Starting her career as a mix of OpenShift and Database admin, to DevOps styled developer, to being the only QA in an entire bank. Now as Mordernisation and Engineering Lead - basically the tribe janitor.

Ophelia has had a lot of opinions, and now she is trimming down which ones she actually want to get out with.

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